Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ok I suck

Ok so I totally suck. I got an a B in pottery. I blame it on the mutilated left hand. Do you know how hard it is to through a pot with a fingernail on the side of your finger that keeps digging into the pot or a middle finger that won't compress the pot. I did pretty good though on some. I want to continue with working with the potter. My coil pot looks awesome. Plus I made some ink pots and a few cool mugs. I will pot the pic later.

As to my Archeology class. I just gave up. Work got to hectic so I couldn't leave and missed a few classes and basically I just learned everything I could and studied the book. I think I learn better indipendatly in some cases. This being one of them. I am taking a imaginitive wrighting and Jewlery makking class next semester. I want to be able to publish some books and the Jewelery because I need to complete my list of art skills I want to learn.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Back to school

Been off class for a couple weeks. Its been nice. I think maybe for now I should finish my next semester and postpone my college days for a few years. Missing kids and my father is an ass about me being away from the kids. I love class. I just need more time. I hate my constant fatigue. I wish cocaine wasn't addictive and bad for you or perhaps speed.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pinch Pots

I have to finish my last Pinch pot tonight. I took my clay home so I could work on it. I just didn't feel like it last night, mostly because of exhaustion. I think I will try to start some Coil pots at home too. I need the Pinch pots done by tomorrow so that I get credit for the assignment. I have to finish my Cup and Bowl assignment on the wheel too, but I think I have at least another week. I will get on that in class tomorrow. I really like Pottery. I just wish had more time to spend on it, like 20 hours a week? I love art. I have so many ideas an designs in my head. I hope it works out. I hope I can impress my teacher with mad artistic skills even though my pottery is beginner.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Skull lab

My first paper is submitted as of 11 pm tonight. I think I did pretty good. We had two classes where we analyzed eight casts of human skulls with different genus. With a lot of pictures, online research and cleaning I finally finished. I know what you're thinking
Why cleaning? Well I could not concentrate until l had a clean spacious place to work. I finally cleaned and organized half the family room and opened some windows for fresh air. Life is good when I can concentrate. I usually get about 1 to 2 hours a day of consentration. I really need to have a sleep study done.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Getting my leg's waxed

Owe owe well not that bad
Had a pedicure and Kristin is getting her nails done. The off to the hillbilly picnic we go

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All in school

The last week was hectic but we survived. I still wasn't able to get my school work done until Sunday. Luckily for me it was a Holiday weekend so we had another say to spend together. My daughter is doing good in school! My son I am not so sure. He got in trouble once for booing a teacher. He was talked to and I made it clear not to follow other kids and if it happens again he will be grounded. He seems like he is doing good but I am not sure on all his work. I will have to talk to his teacher. So hard to keep track of the kids progress in school if they don't help you. We went to 2 movies this weekend. The smurfs for me and Cole. It was great! Then on Monday it was Family night at the dollar movies so it was $0.75 a person but the concessions killed me 23 bucks. No more concessions. I only bought them cause I yelled at Kris felt bad and so wanted to spoil them. I gotta keep a lid on my big mouth. Well the second movide was Green Lantern; now Cole wants everything Green Lantern and he wants to be Green Lantern for Halloween. He wants Posters the Ring, Lantern and everything.

On my Anthropology Quiz I sucked 70% was my high, I had just read the chapter too. I guess I am not understanding the subtle differences in things. I hope its not because I have an international version of the book??? Now I'm worried.

I have school tomorrow but it is also my daughters birthday. My boss is off so I can't ask her for it off. If I don't have it off I won't see Kris on her Birthday at all. I'm going to try. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kids back to school

So my six year old started 1st grade this morning. It was very cute. I drove behind him and his best friend on their bikes. He knew right where to go to park his bike (thatnks to his friend). It was so cute. I didn't want to leave. Hope it goes good. His firat full day of school with lunch.

I took my teen to get enrolled in her class as online schooling fell through. It was simple and she still chose her classes :-). I'm at work thinking I can't wait to hear about their first days in a new school.